- New: Dates in rules can now include the time for higher precision. Right-click onto a date rule to show or hide the time (hours & minutes), or use the Find menu.
- Fixes an issue where the entire /Users was skipped when searching the startup disk with the option to show all Folder sizes was active or when certain scripts were used that forced a recursive directory scan.
- Now shows a notification when search for content skips "offline" (dataless) files.
- When saving the Results, you can now choose to write the file in JSON format instead of the .paths format.
- Selecting the search location pop-up with the Enter or Return key works again.
- The Find window's title now shows the first rule's summary. And since the Results window does already do the same, the Find and Results windows now use a small prefix, i.e. a loupe symbol and a folder symbol, to tell them apart in the Window menu.
- When searching for inodes (see expert rules), they're now also found if they're related to hard links.
- Relabels "neither of" into "none of".