- Changed behavior: FAF now remembers what you last entered into the Find window, and will open any new Find windows with the same input. You can still load the (saved) Default Search from the File menu or by typing cmd-option-O.
- FAF has many advanced (hidden) preferences, which are now documented here.
- Enables "Browse with BBEdit" menu item now only if selection includes text or plist files.
- Adds Kind "Executable".
- Now shows a cloud symbol for offline files (i.e. those in iCloud).
- It's now possible to install matching scripts from the website. To test this (it's still off by default until FAF 2.4.2 is released), use this link to view the scripting page. Remember: You can always re-visit these Release Notes from FAF's Help menu.
- The first time a search on a QNAP NAS is performed, a browser window is opened with the link to https://findanyfile.app/qnap.html.
- Adds new expert rule "Spotlight" to determine whether to include or exclude Spotlight.
- Updates the included manual with all recently added rules and some other new details.
- Resolves some issues when searching with Spotlight on Synology NAS (it could happen that the first search didn't find all items, while subsequent searches did).
- Fixes an issue on macOS 14 (Sonoma) when searching for text content on iCloud offline files: FAF did download those files, which shouldn't be happening.
- The expert rule "File Type UTI" works again.
- Fixes the hidden "Tie Results window to Find window" preference.
- Fixes a potential crash in Text Content search when using RegEx.
- Now FAF detects when its app got moved and relaunches itself from the new location in order to avoid a crash later.