Find Any File is Shareware

You may try it out without buying first. Simply download it.

If you keep using it you are expected to pay for it, though.


Find Any File (FAF)

Key Features

  • Convenient folder and icon views for results
  • Can search in other users' home folders ("root" mode)
  • Searches can be saved for easy re-use
  • Can be launched with a self defined keyboard shortcut

New in version 2.5:

Find Any File Preview (Beta Testing)

Version 2.5.3 is now in the works.

See here for changes since the last release version.


To get the latest beta version, simply open FAF's Preferences and check the "Include Beta & Preview version" option or download it manually:

See here for a list of recent beta versions. Pick the one with the highest number, or with the most recent date.

I suggest that you keep your current (non-beta) version around, e.g. by renaming either one of them or placing them in different folders, so that you can keep trying both versions in case the beta causes new issues.

If you have purchased FAF in the Mac App Store (MAS) and therefore have no option to check for betas in the Preferences, you can join TestFlight instead, which will work like an App Store for beta apps.

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